久富农机F625手扶式插秧机,钵苗毯苗两用机型是农机专业合作社,农机作业大户,种粮大户等种植水稻的好帮手。 在同类机型中重量轻,操作方便,可靠性佳。 采用原厂雅马哈汽油发动机,采用全齿轮传动结构,动力损失小,维修方便.标准配液压自动平衡机构,确保即使在秧田不平整时也能保持插秧深度一致。行距轻松调整可选,适应南方和北方不同的农艺需求。
Walking rice transplanter is simple in structure, good in operation, reliable in performance, and mature in accessories market. It is designed and manufactured by using the technology of mature products in the same industry in China. based on the opinions of users, it has made many optimizations and is equipped with international famous brand Yamaha engine as standard.
1、 一机两用,即能插钵苗也能插毯苗。
one machine can be used for two purposes, which can be used to insert both potted seedlings and carpet seedlings.
2、 结构合理。插秧不伤钵体,不缓苗,不补苗,分蘖多,根系发达,抗倒伏。
The structure is reasonable. Transplanting does not damage the pot body, does not slow seedlings back green, does not replenish seedlings, has many tillers, developed roots, and is resistant to lodging.
3、 独特的钵苗输秧控制系统,使插秧时取苗准确,不伤钵体,这是其它同类插秧机所没有的。
The unique control system for transplanting rice seedlings by pot ensures that the seedlings can be taken accurately without damaging the pot seeding, which is not found in other similar transplanters.
4、 钵苗插秧,成熟度好,增产明显,与一般平盘插秧相比可增产8—15%,特别适合北方寒冷地区和南方冬水田的插秧作业。
Pot seedling transplanting has good maturity and obvious yield increase. Compared with ordinary flat plate transplanting, it can increase yield by 8-15%, which is especially suitable for transplanting in winter paddy fields in northern cold regions and southern China.
5、 种粮大户,农机作业大户,农机专业合作社的可靠帮手。
Large grain growers, large agricultural machinery operators' reliable helpers of agricultural machinery cooperatives.